Source code for pipcs.pipcs

import os
import types
from dataclasses import dataclass
from collections import abc
from typing import Union, Type, TypeVar, Generic, List

[docs]class InvalidChoiceError(Exception): """Raised when the user tries to assign a non-valid variable to :class:`pipcs.Choices` variable.""" pass
[docs]class RequiredError(Exception): """Raised if a user doesn't set :class:`pipcs.required` variable in the inherited config. It is also raised if a :class:`pipcs.required` variable is not set during :meth:`pipcs.Config.check_config`. """ pass
class ConditionError(Exception): pass T = TypeVar('T')
[docs]class required: """Mark a variable as required.""" pass
Required = Union[Type[required], T] class Comparison(): def __init__(self, comp): self.comp = comp def __and__(self, other): return Comparison(lambda config: self.comp(config) and other.comp(config)) def __or__(self, other): return Comparison(lambda config: self.comp(config) or other.comp(config)) def __invert__(self): return Comparison(lambda config: not self.comp(config)) def __call__(self, config): return self.comp(config) class Comparable(Generic[T]): def __init__(self, data: T): = data def _get_value(self, config): value = config.get_value(self._name) if isinstance(value, Comparable): return else: return value def __eq__(self, other): return Comparison(lambda config: self._get_value(config) == other) def __lt__(self, other): return Comparison(lambda config: self._get_value(config) < other) def __le__(self, other): return Comparison(lambda config: self._get_value(config) <= other) def __ne__(self, other): return Comparison(lambda config: self._get_value(config) != other) def __gt__(self, other): return Comparison(lambda config: self._get_value(config) > other) def __ge__(self, other): return Comparison(lambda config: self._get_value(config) >= other)
[docs]class Condition(Generic[T]): """Mark a variable as valid, only if the condition is hold. It is used combined with :class:`pipcs.Choices`. Args: data (T): Value of the variable. comp: Comparison function. .. code-block:: python from pipcs import Config, Choices, Condition config = Config() @config('example') class Example(): variable: Choices[int] = Choices([1, 2, 3]) conditional_variable: Condition[int] = Condition(5, variable==2) # Example 1 user_config = Config(config) @user_config('example') class UserExample(): variable = 2 print(user_config.example.to_dict()) # {'variable': 2, 'conditional_variable': 5} # Example 2 user_config = Config(config) @user_config('example') class UserExample(): variable = 2 conditional_variable = 1 print(user_config.example.to_dict()) # {'variable': 2, 'conditional_variable': 1} # Example 3 user_config = Config(config) @user_config('example') class UserExample(): variable = 1 conditional_variable = 2 print(user_config.example.to_dict()) # {'variable': 1} """ def __init__(self, data: T, comp: Comparison): T = data self.comp = comp
[docs]class Choices(Comparable, Generic[T]): """Specify valid choices for a variable. :class:`pipcs.InvalidChoiceError` error will be raised when the user tries to set the variable to a non-valid choice in the inherited configuration. Args: choices (List[T]): Valid choices for the configuration variable. default (Required[T]): If the variable is not set by user the default value will be returned. .. code-block:: python from pipcs import Config, Choices config = Config() @config('example') class Example(): variable: Choices[int] = Choices([1, 2, 3]) user_config = Config(config) @user_config('example') class UserExample(): variable = 1 print(user_config.example.variable) # 1 user_config = Config(config) @user_config('example') class UserExample(): variable = 4 # Raises: pipcs.pipcs.InvalidChoiceError: 4 is not valid for variable, valid choices: [1, 2, 3] """ def __init__(self, choices: List[T], default=required): if default is not required: if default not in choices: raise InvalidChoiceError('Default value is not in choices') self.choices: List[T] = choices Required[T] = default super().__init__(
[docs]class Config(dict): """Base class to create root configuration. Args: dictionary (:obj:`Union[dict, Config]`, optional): If it is a :class:`pipcs.Config`, it will inherit the base configuration. """ def __init__(self, dictionary={}): if isinstance(dictionary, Config): self._name = dictionary._name else: self._name = None super(Config, self).__init__(dictionary)
[docs] def check_config(self): """Check configuration if all of the variables are valid. .. code-block:: python from pipcs import Config, Required, required config = Config() @config('example') class Example(): variable: Required[int] = required config.check_config() # Raises: pipcs.pipcs.RequiredError: variable is required! """ for k, v in self.items(): if isinstance(v, Config): v.check_config() else: self.check_value(k, v)
def check_value(self, key, value): if isinstance(value, Config): value.check_config() elif isinstance(value, Choices): if is required: raise RequiredError(f'{key} is required!') elif isinstance(value, Condition): if value.comp(self): if is required: raise RequiredError(f'{key} is required!') elif value is required: raise RequiredError(f'{key} is required!')
[docs] def get_value(self, key, check=False): """ Return value of the variable. Args: check (bool): If true, the variable will be checked if it is valid or not. .. code-block:: python from pipcs import Config, Required, required config = Config() @config('example') class Example(): variable: Required[int] = required print(config.example.get_value('variable')) # <class 'pipcs.pipcs.required'> print(config.example.get_value('variable', check=True)) # pipcs.pipcs.RequiredError: variable is required! """ value = dict.__getitem__(self, key) if check: check_value = object.__getattribute__(self, 'check_value') check_value(key, value) return value
def __getitem__(self, key): return self.get_value(key) def __getattr__(self, key): try: return self.get_value(key) except KeyError: raise AttributeError(key)
[docs] def to_dict(self, check=False): """ Convert :class:`pipcs.Config` to :class:`dict`. If the :class:`pipcs.Condition` holds for a variable it will be included in the dictionary. :class:`pipcs.Choices` variables will be converted in to their default values. Args: check (bool): If true, the variables will be checked if they are valid or not. """ if check: self.check_config() config_dict = {} for k, v in self.items(): if k == '_name' or k == '__annotations__': continue if isinstance(v, Config): config_dict[k] = v.to_dict(check) elif isinstance(v, Comparable): config_dict[k] = elif isinstance(v, Condition): if v.comp(self): config_dict[k] = else: config_dict[k] = v return config_dict
def __setattr__(self, key, value): self[key] = value def add_config(self, cls, name, check=True): if self.get(name): parent = self.get_value(name) config_class = type(cls.__name__, (Config,), dict(cls.__dict__)) members = [var for var in vars(config_class) if not var.startswith('__')] if hasattr(config_class, '__annotations__'): _annotations = {**parent.__annotations__, **config_class.__annotations__} else: _annotations = parent.__annotations__ annotations = {} for member in members: if member in _annotations: annotations[member] = _annotations[member] config_class.__annotations__ = annotations config_class._name = name datacls = dataclass(config_class)() datacls.__annotations__ = config_class.__annotations__ merged_config = parent.update_config(Config(datacls)) if check: merged_config.check_config() self[name] = merged_config else: config_class = type(cls.__name__, (Config,), dict(cls.__dict__)) config_class._name = name datacls = dataclass(config_class)() datacls.__annotations__ = config_class.__annotations__ datacls = Config(datacls) self[name] = datacls for k, v in self[name].items(): if isinstance(v, Comparable): v._name = k return self[name] def add(self, name, check=True): def _add(wrapped_class): self.add_config(wrapped_class, name, check) return wrapped_class return _add def __call__(self, name, check=True): return self.add(name, check) def _update_comparables(self, other): for k, v in other.items(): if isinstance(v, Config): self[k]._update_comparables(v) elif isinstance(self[k], Comparable): self[k] = def update_config(self, other): newdict = Config(self) for k, v in other.items(): newdict[k] = v if hasattr(self, k): if isinstance(self[k], Config): newdict[k] = self[k].update_config(v) elif isinstance(self[k], abc.Mapping): newdict[k] = {**self[k], **v} elif isinstance(self[k], Choices): if v not in self[k].choices: raise InvalidChoiceError(f'{v} is not valid for {k}, valid choices: {self[k].choices}') elif isinstance(self[k], Condition): newdict[k] = Condition(v, self[k].comp) newdict._update_comparables(self) return newdict
def read_config(config_file, config_name=None): """Read a config from a file. Basically works as `import` but you can load files from different locations by path. Args: config_file (str): File path config_name (str): If given only the given attribute will be returned instead of whole module. """ base = os.path.basename(config_file) module = os.path.splitext(base)[0] config = types.ModuleType(module, 'Config') with open(config_file) as f: code = code = compile(code, module, "exec") exec(code, config.__dict__) if config_name is not None: return getattr(config, config_name) else: return config